Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thursday the 13th mARCH

Whats about this bloody date..i dunno but somehow this date everbody want me to be there:

1st) i have jpj test on the morning in KUANTAN

2nd)im suppose to attent a ''majlis anugerah pereka muda Malaysia Design Council in AMPANG by 2.oop.m..(and suppose to wear my dads baju batik) haha

3rd) by the evening my aunt want my bloody ass in CAMEROn Highlands for a so called family gathering

4th) im suppose to accompanied my mom pg cucuk kat klinik in KUANTAN(jln nak pg cherating)

haha dah lah bru dapat result hari sebelum tu..gile weh...i dunt think i ever would make it all...

ZAki- ak blh tgk la..nie bile ka dah ckup umur ambik lesen kete mmg akan ade test nie..dah la no nye same warne pun lbh krg..hahaha i can read it even beta without my spec

luks like khairani got a new lappie..haha nie blh on9 lg eventhough esok ade test..mmg bijak laa..Gud luck Sis

(setiauasaha kehormat BWP)

korg ptt tgk fs nie Badan Wakil Pahunk,,best wooo..ade kat featured frends ak

