Monday, March 17, 2008

i've also played that!

yo Khai,
ak da gak maen game tuh, ap name dier saga something right?
love the art design and the free-flow type of rpg la...
tp after a while leh jd kinda bosan r coz there almost xde storyline langsung~
mase ak beli game nh ak cam ad high hope gak for this game considering squarenix punya release,
but i say this game is kinda better than kh2 la...
somehow underrated skit...

coz Khai da promote satu ak nk promote gak~huahua
da pernah maen Bully? utk peminat2 GTA series, game ni a must buy~
best lowh, mengigatkan ak waktu zmn skolah gogo dlu~haha
absolute best!!!


