Friday, May 1, 2009

Perbualan yang agak menarik?

Hmm setiap kali ak blk seremban,ade je perkara yang ak nk share ngn korg huhu..

Ini sebenarnya adalah perbualan antara ak ngn wanita arab dari Kuwait

(yg duduk sebelah ak semasa dlm penerbangan ke KLIA)

-pada mulanya ak duk sbelah husband die pas2 dorg tukar seat-fyi ak duk eco class..

okay perbualan ktorg cm nie la lbh krg

W.K: Do u noe any shoppin malls in Kuala Lumpur?

izey: err..midvalley,pavilion(nie je yg ak mampu jwb waktu tu)

W.K: China..small shop..selling cheap things..

izey: ... (alamak, ak xphm sgt pe die ckp nie lgpun ak mane ade slalu trun kl)

im sowry..i duno

W.K: its okay


W.K: are u a baby?

izey: HUH?

W.K: emm,are u a teenager?

izey: yes (ak rase eng die so-so je..kot)

W.K: hw old r u? 15,13?

izey: im 19 (Wah,ak nie xckup nmpk ladylike ker??)

W.K: u're 19?ooo..r u married?(smbl tersenyum kt ak)

izey: err not married yet

W.K: no?(mke agak pelik)...Y?

izey: .......(ya Allah, knape la die tnye soalan pelik nie)

ermmm....because im too young(smbl tersengih-sengih,huhu)

W.K: owh..u want to make a lot of money first n have job

izey: (angguk je kpale)

W.K: the Malaysians girl..can they go out with their boyfriend?

izey: ....err they do

W.K: owh..where i live..we cannot go out with boyfriend n even fiance,my family dont like..

only when u r married( smbl tnjuk cincin d jarinye)

izey: ooo(Wow,lawa gler cincin die! bling2 keliling cincin)

W.K: r u going holiday too?in penang?

izey: owh no..i study in doing foundation in medicine now

W.K: Medicine? thats good

izey: senyum saje

W.K: are there no college in kuala lumpur?only in penang?

izey: hmm there are many universities in kl but I got a scholarship and i was sponsored to
go there..

W.K: ooo..erm I got married 2 years ago and we didnt go 'honeymune' yet

izey: mule2 ak xphm die ckp ape..

owh Honeymoon?!

W.K: yes-nmpk bahagia gler ;)

ak nk tnye die ade ank x tp mls huhu

W.K: Im a teacher

izey: really

W.K: yes i teach small children

izey:owh-nie je yg mampu ak jwb, ak dh la ssh nk d'ajak berbual klu ak xknl org 2


W.K: errm..i want to buy handbag for my mother but i dont want cheap

izey: owh..u want branded handbags?

hmm pavilion(pdhl xprnh jejak kaki lg pun tp ak dgr bnyk brg mhl)

W.K: pravillon?

izey: PAVILION..

W.K: pavrillon-masih xdpt sebut ngn betul

izey: ak m'angguk je

W.K: owh..i will go to this pavrillon..but which shoppin mall is the best

izey:.....(ak xtau la huhu)

W.K: its must study hard..not shoppin( smbl tergelak)

adoi ssh gak nk communicate ngn foreigners nie..

tp die mmg baek gler ar..pas2 die offer ak bc magazine yg die beli

offer chewing gum la..haha

ktorg juz end coversation 2 cm biase

"nice meeting you,bye"

selepas tu masing2 bawa haluan sendiri..

