Friday, December 26, 2008 0 comments

hi korang!!!!

hye!!!! korang mesti pelik coz aku tbe2 je post kt cni... bz la skrg.. byk assignment aku yg blom settle.. act, b4 ni aku slalu masuk kt blog kte. tp juz jd pemerhati yg bertauliah je... huhuhu... aku ske bace bnda2 yg korg tules.. kdg2 ble bace mende2 yg korg merepek 2 best gak(walaupon aku x phm sgt) hehehe.. aku nk request... ley x? kalo x bleh pon korg kne bolehkn gak.. aku nk korg ltak latest pic.. rndu r nk tgk... huhuhu... k la.. tata.. (^_______^)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 0 comments

Adab ketika azan berkumandang...

Kematian itu pasti menjelma.Hanya masa yang tidak kita ketahui.Cuba kita amati.Mengapa kebanyakan orang yg nazak, hampir ajal tidak dapat berkata apa-apa.. lidahnya kelu, keras dan hanya mimik mukanya yang menahan kesakitan 'sakaratul maut'.

Diriwayatkan sebuah hadis yg bermaksud: "Hendaklah kamu mendiamkan diri ketika azan, jika tidak Allah akan kelukan lidahnya ketika maut menghampirinya."

Ini jelas menunjukkan, kita disarankan agar mendiamkan diri, jangan berkata apa-apa pun semasa azan berkumandang .Sebagai orang beragama Islam kita wajib menghormati azan Banyak fadhilatnya.

Jika lagu kebangsaan kita diajar agar berdiri tegak dan diamkan diri. Mengapa ketika azan kita tidak boleh mendiamkan diri? Lantas sesiapa yang berkata-kata ketika azan, Allah akan kelukan lidahnya ketika nazak.Kita takut dengan kelunya lidah kita semasa ajal hampir tiba maka kita tidak dapat mengucap kalimah "Lailahaillallah.." yang mana sesiapa yang dapat mengucapkan kalimah ini ketika nyawanya akan dicabut Allah dgn izinNya menjanjikan syurga untuk mereka.

Dari itu marilah kita sama-sama menghormati azan dan mohon kepada Allah supaya lidah ini tidak kelu semasa nyawa kita sedang dicabut. "Ya Allah! Anugerahkanlah kematian kami dengan kematian yang baik lagi mulia, lancarkan lidah kami mengucap kalimah "Lailahaillallah.." semasa sakaratulmaut menghampiri kami. Amin.. amin.. amin Yarobbal a'lamin.."
Friday, December 19, 2008 0 comments


Haha..gmbr mase fruit fiesta dulu..Aina,jgn marah yek..=)

Patutnya,besday dia 18th December.Ape2 pn, happy 18th birthday to aina!

*aina pesan kat aku suruh ezza dgn bajang wish dia hepi besday.Klu x dia merajuk.


- - zaki - -
Sunday, December 14, 2008 0 comments


D (Drive)

General Characteristics:
Direct. Decisive. High Ego Strength. Problem Solver. Risk Taker. Self Starter

Value to Team:
Bottom-line organizer. Places value on time. Challenges the status quo. Innovative

Possible Weaknesses:
Oversteps authority. Argumentative attitude. Dislikes routine. Attempts too much at once.

Greatest Fear:
Being taken advantage of.

Motivated By:
New challenges. Power and authority to take risks and make decisions. Freedom from routine and mundane tasks. Changing environments in which to work and play.

Ideal Environment:
Innovative focus on future. Non-routine challenging tasks and activities. Projects that produce tangible results. Freedom from controls, supervision, and details. Personal evaluation based on results, not methods.

Remember a High D May Want:
Authority, varied activities, prestige, freedom, assignments promoting growth, "bottom line" approach, and opportunity for advancement.

Be brief, direct, and to the point. Ask "what" not "how" questions. Focus on business; remember they desire results. Suggest ways for him/her to achieve results, be in charge, and solve problems. Highlight logical benefits of featured ideas and approaches.

Ramble. Repeat yourself. Focus on problems. Be too sociable. Make generalizations. Make statements without support.

While analyzing information, a High D may:
Ignore potential risks. Not weigh the pros and cons. Not consider others' opinions. Offer innovative and progressive systems and ideas.

D's possess these positive characteristics in teams:

Autocratic managers - great in crisis. Self-reliant. Innovative in getting results. Maintain focus on goals. Specific and direct. Overcome obstacles. Provide direction and leadership. Push group toward decisions. Willing to speak out. Generally optimistic. Welcome challenges without fear. Accept risks. See the big picture. Can handle multiple projects. Function well with heavy work loads.

Personal Growth Areas for D's:
Strive to be an "active" listener. Be attentive to other team members' ideas until everyone reaches a consensus. Be less controlling and domineering. Develop a greater appreciation for the opinions, feelings, and desires of others. Put more energy into personal relationships. Show your support for other team members. Take time to explain the "whys" of your statements and proposals. Be friendlier and more approachable.

I (Influence)

General Characteristics:
Enthusiastic. Trusting; Optimistic. Persuasive; Talkative. Impulsive; Emotional

Value to Team:
Creative problem solver. Great encourager. Motivates others to achieve. Positive sense of humor. Negotiates conflicts; peace maker.

Possible Weaknesses:
More concerned with popularity than tangible results. Inattentive to detail. Overuses gestures and facial expressions. Tends to listen only when it's convenient.

Greatest Fear:

Motivated By:
Flattery, praise, popularity, and acceptance. A friendly environment. Freedom from many rules and regulations. Other people available to handle details.

Ideal Environment:
Practical procedures. Few conflicts and arguments. Freedom from controls and details. A forum to express ideas. Group activities in professional and social environments

Remember a High I May Want:

Social esteem and acceptance, freedom from details and control, people to talk to, positive working conditions, recognition for abilities, opportunity to motivate and influence others.


Build a favorable, friendly environment. Give opportunity for them to verbalize about ideas, people and their intuition. Assist them in developing ways to transfer talk into action. Share testimonials from others relating to proposed ideas. Allow time for stimulating, sociable activities. Submit details in writing, but don't dwell on them. Develop a participative relationship. Create incentives for following through on tasks.

Eliminate social time. Do all the talking. Ignore their ideas or accomplishments. Tell them what to do.

While analyzing information, a High I may:
Lose concentration. Miss important facts and details. Interrupt. Be creative in problem solving.

I's possess these positive characteristics in teams:
Instinctive communicators. Participative managers - influence and inspire. Motivate the team. Spontaneous and agreeable. Respond well to the unexpected. Create an atmosphere of well being. Enthusiastic. Provide direction and leadership. Express ideas well. Work well with other people. Make good spokespersons. Will offer opinions. Persuasive. Have a positive attitude. Accomplish goals through people. Good sense of humor. Accepting of others. Strong in brainstorming sessions.

Personal Growth Areas for I's:
Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision; be less impulsive. Be more results oriented. Exercise control over your actions, words, and emotions. Focus more on details and facts. Remember to slow down your pace for other team members. Talk less; listen more. Consider and evaluate ideas from other team members. Concentrate on following through with tasks.

S (Steadiness)

General Characteristics:
Good listener; Team player. Possessive. Steady; Predictable. Understanding; Friendly.

Value to Team:
Reliable and dependable. Loyal team worker. Compliant towards authority. Good listener, patient and empathetic. Good at reconciling conflicts.

Possible Weaknesses:
Resists change. Takes a long time to adjust to change. Holds a grudge; sensitive to criticism. Difficulty establishing priorities.

Greatest Fear:
Loss of security.

Motivated By:
Recognition for loyalty and dependability. Safety and security. No sudden changes in procedure or lifestyle. Activities that can be started and finished.

Ideal Environment:

Practical procedures and systems. Stability and predictability. Tasks that can be completed at one time. Few conflicts and arguments. A team atmosphere.

Remember a High S May Want:
Security in situations, sincere appreciation, repeated work patterns, time to adjust to change, limited territory of responsibility.

Create a favorable environment: personal and agreeable. Express a genuine interest in them as a person. Provide them with clarification for tasks and answers to "how" questions. Be patient in drawing out their goals. Present ideas or departures from current practices in a non-threatening manner; give them time to adjust. Clearly define goals, procedures and their role in the overall plan. Assure them of personal follow-up support. Explain how their actions will minimize the risks involved and enhance current procedures.

Be pushy, overly aggressive, or demanding. Be too confrontational.

While analyzing information, a High S may:
Be openly agreeable but inwardly unyielding. Internalize their concerns and doubts. Hesitate to share feedback during presentation. Slow down the action. Provide valuable support for team goals.

S's possess these positive characteristics in teams:

Instinctive relaters. Participative managers - accomplish goals through personal relationships. Make others feel like they belong. Show sincerity. Can see an easier way of doing things. Focused and intuitive about people and relationships. Full of common sense. Buy into team goals. Dependable. Identify strongly with the team. Strive to build relationships. Provide stability. Consider elements of a total project. Realistic and practical. Even-tempered. Provide specialized skills. Show patience with others. Loyal.

Personal Growth Areas for S's:
Be more open to change. Be more direct in your interactions. Focus on overall goals of the team rather than specific procedures. Deal with confrontation constructively. Develop more flexibility. Increase pace to accomplish goals. Show more initiative. Work at expressing thoughts, opinions, and feelings.

C (Compliance)

General Characteristics:
Accurate; analytical. Conscientious; careful. Fact-finder; precise. High standards; systematic.

Value to Team:
Perspective: "the anchor of reality." Conscientious and even-tempered. Thorough to all activities. Defines situation; gathers, criticizes and tests information.

Possible Weaknesses:
Needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/relationships. Bound by procedures and methods. Gets bogged down in details. Prefers not to verbalize feelings. Will give in rather that argue.

Greatest Fear:

Motivated By:
Standards of high quality. Limited social interaction. Detailed tasks. Logical organization of information.

Ideal Environment:
Tasks and projects that can be followed through to completion. Specialized or technical tasks. Practical work procedures and routines. Few conflicts and arguments. Instructions and reassurance that they are doing what is expected of them.

Remember a High C May Want:
Autonomy and independence, controlled work environment, reassurance, precise expectations and goals, exact job descriptions, planned change.

Prepare your case in advance. Delineate pros and cons of proposed ideas. Support ideas and statements with accurate data. Reassure them that no surprises will occur. Submit an exact job description with a precise explanation of how that task fits into the big picture. Review recommendations with them in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Be specific when agreeing. Disagree with the facts rather than the person when disagreeing. Be patient, persistent, and diplomatic while providing explanations.

Refuse to explain details. Answer questions vaguely or casually.

While analyzing information, a High C may:
Become overly cautious and conservative. Get too bogged down in details. Avoid or postpone decisions, especially if they perceive a risk. Be an effective trouble shooter.

C's possess these positive characteristics in teams:

Instinctive organizers. "Do it yourself" managers - create and maintain systems. Strive for a logical, consistent environment. Control the details. Conscientious. Evaluate the team's progress. Ask important questions. Maintain focus on tasks. Offer conservative approaches. Emphasize quality. Think logically. Will share risks and responsibilities. Work systematically. Will strive for consensus. Diplomatic. Analyze obstacles.

Personal Growth Areas for C's:
Concentrate on doing the right things, not just doing things right. Be less critical of others' ideas and methods. Respond more quickly to accomplish team goals. Strive to build relationships with other team members. Be more decisive. Focus less on facts and more on people. Take risks along with other team members.
Monday, December 8, 2008 0 comments

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

aku xmmpu bg pape or tlg kalau korang tgh ssh / pening2 ngan life but
harap ni leh kurangkan sedikit sebanyak problem sesapa yg byk masalah ketika ni ;)

Kenapa Aku Tak Dapat Apa yang Aku Mau?
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." (QS. Al-Baqarah : 216).

Kenapa Ujian Seberat Ini?

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya." (QS. Al-Baqarah : 286).

Kenapa Hasilnya Seperti Ini?
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi derajatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman." (QS. Ali Imran : 139).

Bagaimana Aku Harus Menghadapinya?
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh (di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan), serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah, supaya kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)." (QS Ali Imran : 200).
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk." (QS. Al-Baqarah : 45).

Apa yang Aku Dapat dari Semua Ini?
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mu'min, diri, dan harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka... " (QS. At-Taubah : 111).

Kepada Siapa Aku Berharap?

"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain diriNya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal." (QS. At-Taubah : 129).

Aku Tak Dapat Bertahan Lagi!

"... dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir." (QS. Yusuf : 12)

aku suka.. aku xske..aku xtahu.. =.="

Assalamualaikum kpd sahabat handai...:P
Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha ntuk korang sume!!! ^.^

oleh sbb raya nih, aku aku dpt cuti lbh kurang sminggu..
aku xtaw nk ske ke x :P

rasa cmbest yg mnyeksa je haha.. otak aku melayang terbang2 ke malaysia sbb dok cni cm boring kalau cuti..tah la?

aku ske ke x?? tah aa..ahahaha aku brd d dlm dilemma (syndrome otak x btol) ttbe aku ssh nk wat keputusan nih..-.-" amende la aku ngarut nih (ni x de kene ngene ngan kat atas :P)

mls ckp sedutan2 kisah2 ku dicni

scene : lepak kat pantai
time : lepas kuliah

lepas sume kat sini

jalan di library alex (bibliotica) lepas kuliah..time tu tgh jiwa lps tensen

on the way balik lak


aku dpt tau yg ada kenkawan yg idopnya xbrp skang ni,dipenuhi ngan masalah sume.. sorry to hear dat but i hope that u'll keep going n banyakkan bersabar..jgn terlalu emosi coz life is not all about sweet thing ;)

Allah will help you if you seek him,insyaAllah..

remember that everything's gonna be fine in the end..if it's not fine then that's not (yet) the end

the life is just like the medicine ; bitterness is the remedy!

Surah Al Ankabut, ayat 2

Patutkah manusia menyangka bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan Dengan hanya berkata: "Kami beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji (dengan sesuatu cubaan)?

(dapat ujian tanda Allah sayang pada kita, dan tanda kita masih beriman)

renung2kan la ;)

one day b4 raya korban..sgt2 mmberi experience..nnt ade masa aku citer.well skang baru lps subuh, xtdo satu mlm (sbb da tdo dr 9-12mlm) n ade webcam ngan family, wish raya.. rindu lak kat adek2 aku n fmily ;)

ni baru snap td ..

imran,ajad n lica

Friday, December 5, 2008 0 comments

condolence to my bros's friend : BOY

here the story begin, kawan abang aina,boy(nama manja) yang juga jiran belakang belakang belakang rumah meninggal dunia on november 23, 2008 disebabkan SANTAU. for those yang tak tahu what the hell is santau, here i would like to explain secara yang aina faham la. bila one makhluk ni (malay especially) dengki dekat makhluk lain, like benci tengok orang tu senang and bahagia la,then dia akan jumpa bomoh yang mengamalkan ilmu hitam or sihir.dia akan suruh bomoh tu buat macam macam until the target people merana hidupnya!

abang aina cerita, 2 weeks before meninggal dia kena gatal gatal satu badan, bawak pergi jumpa ustaz, okay la sikit gatal nya, then timbul pula rasa sakit pinggang, pergi bawa urut, okay dah but then sakit kepala, sampai dia baring atas riba parents dia suruh picitkan kepala. semua orang tak expect apa2 lagi maybe sebab office dia tengah renovate so maybe habuk and penat. time tu dia dah hilang selera makan.

bila dah lama tak makan, tiba tiba dia masuk hospital. doctor check and said 'antibodi dia zero yang tinggal only semangat untuk hidup'. time tu dia dah tak boleh cakap sebab mama kata BENDA tu dah lock anak tekak(tak kasi cakap), lock kepala(kepala jadi bengap) and lock perut(supaya tak makan apa apa).sungguh dahsyat bomoh tu buat. bomoh tu macam dah plan everything.time semua kawan parents offer nak bawak ustaz itu ustaz ini,ada je halangan.semua plan bomoh jawa tu.ustaz kata bomoh siam or jawa sebab ilmu dia kuat gila sampai buat orang mati. boy asyik meracau je sampai kena ikat time kat ward. and bila my 2nd bro visit dia, ayah dia cakap kat dia "boy, bangun boy, tengok siapa datang, kawan baik kau" then dia bangun and tak mampu nak cakap jelas.then pejam mata balik.

after dia pass away, my mum and brothers demam terkejut. when you guys know him very well you will feel what i felt gila sedih and terkilan. he is tooooooo nice to die like that and dia bakal bertunang 3 days after meninggal sepatutnya. dia and my bro dah plan dah siapa jadi pengapit siapa dulu and he is only 27 years old. 

until now, bila suruh mama cerita, she will shed a tears. my bro cakap sebenarnya nak hantar BENDA tu kat orang lain, tapi terkena dia. tapi dah tak boleh nak ditarik balik.MASYA,marilah kita sedekahkan alfatihah kepada beliau SYAHRULNIZAM ALI

p/s : dalam dunia moden sekarang ni kita terpaksa percaya tentang kewujudan santau ini, oleh itu berdoalah agar kita dijauhkan dari perkara ini. 


mmber aq kt cni bg aq link ni.
bdk2 tgb nye byk junior lowh.

kowg join a.


Embrace hope, keep gazing toward the future

Now I see this way. It looks like purple line

I can't even feel, seized by these suspicions.
There are times I can't even take a step
Really wanna get in touch with myself, even though I wish for a miracle
Without a strong heart, I can't move forward
Right now!

Purple line, let me setup my world!
No one else has ever walked this way
Embrace your dreams and keep searching for the way to live
My progression to be "me"
With your strong feelings in hand, show that you can seize victory
A purple line of passion

When challenges assail me, my heart becomes completely out of my control
But I won't run away if this is what it takes to grow
As I say this to myself, I'll overcome it all, right now!

Purple line, let me setup my world!
No one else has ever walked this way
Embrace hope, keep gazing toward the future
Into my progression, I'll put my wishes
I'll never give up
A purple line of truth

As we engrave this moment on our hearts
Let's paint time like a movie
To find a "now" that's worth more than the yesterdays,
Imagine an evolving premonition... oh-oh

Yo! Check it!
This way of thinking, like all is lost
You must be loving your way
Because we must move forward
Let me, with my strength (help with)
Such as things that you do
Keep on working like that
Only your goal will decide
Then we'll hurl into our past
And show you what's between

The world's black and white, light and darkness, like south and north
Good and evil are smiling, beckoning me
In order to follow the path I believe
My soul will keep shouting out
We gotta purple like that. My time is still going on

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 0 comments
Eza n Ad : btul ke helmi yaakap eksiden?

Aku balik jb jap last thursday smpi sabtu lps..Pastu pegi pd then ari ahad pegi sg koyan kt pahang sbb cousin aku kawen..

Simulator madness..sbb aritu aku balik rumah mmg x lps pluang la main simulator nih..klu bpk aku tau konfem kene mrh sbb aku ade kuiz minggu ni.boeing 747-400..From klia to jb..hehe..

Aku ad bnde nk tulis tp dh lupe..nnti2 je la.

- - zaki - -