Monday, March 24, 2008


hmm..dunno what to write acctually..hmm bg sape2 yg anta msg kat ak td..yg tulis dlm c-box,n yg call ak just wanna say thanks...ak mmg bertuah dapat kenal dgn korg sume..hari nie ak pg jumpe dye..yeah shes look really pale..ak pg makan dgn dye xlalu tried to make a conversation,but shes just didnt say a word..i know wat shes going trough, n life rite now is really hard for her..well i told her that i will never leave her again..but damn,i have a mix of fellings right now..i told her that i will get the bottom of this...yg pasal perogol tu,binatang tu mmg gampang arrr..dye ingat ape,dah rogol,pastu tinggal cam tu je..dye ingat ape..senang ke nak bele anak babe ak tu,banyak duit nak kne kuar taw..nak beli frieskis lagi,nak pg anta anak kucing tu pg cucuk lagi.dye ingat ape..murah ke..well i feel pity for the kittens,,growing up without a dad..its must be hard...skrg nie bru arr ak sedar bape bnyak pergorbanan kucin betine kene bwat..jage anak,,kasi susu..nasib baek ak ade time nie wanna look out for them nanti..btol cakap zaki tu..perogol kucin ak tu mmg nak kene hentam bru dye sedar,,nnt arr ak panggil geng2 ak pg cari progl tu..i think he just leave kucin jantan jiran2 ak tu...mmg cam syial..ape lg zaki..jom arr trun kuantan pg tibai kucin perogol tu..babi arrrr... ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh.....tteeetttttt...

