Sunday, March 23, 2008


Helmy, i felt sorry for u, man
his girl just got raped and i got the news from my friend in Kuantan,
i've already contacted Helmy about the whole thing,
her family quite shocked at the moment and her brothers is currently at oversea...
so, ak x sure lg what's gonna happened next,
I know the girl personally and it's such a shock that this actually happened to her,
x pernah dlm seumur idup ak, bnd ni leh jd kat someone yg ak knal...

man, helmy ak x sure camner nk ckap coz it's not my place to say anything,
so, ak advice ko utk give emotional support kat dier,
ak rase, ko nyer support yg matter skrng...
ak sendri cam speechless r...

i really,really felt sorry for u, man...

