Wednesday, March 18, 2009

History Repeats Itself

Something interesting happened yesterday, lol. You must think I'm completely heartless when you think I said this. But hey, excuse me for being myself.

Okay, everything happened as usual. The daily wrestling with my youngest brother's unstable physical actions. Dia akn buat ape je nak bagi aku sakit hati. But today I was kinda patient.. until he turned off the main switch of my computer. Without saying much I threw him into the nearest bathroom and locked him inside. Tapi toilet kan dikunci dari dlm, so of coz la dia bleh kuar. Saje je nak bg dia takut. Bukannye aku gile ke apa..

Aku mmg dah sampai puncak kesabaran aku. Aku mmg harap dia just diam kejaaaap and jangan kacau aku kejaaaappp-- and suddenly it happened. Lepas insiden tu, dia mmg diam kejap. I appreciate that short peaceful time. Kejap je, lepas balik dari klinik dia tros bising. ntah kenapa. Yea, with one hand.

So okay, nak dipendekkan cite, tangan kanan die cam bengkak a.k.a patah. (Doktor taknak buat x-ray, dia kata observe je) Takde kaitan pon ngan aku campak dia masuk bathroom. (i mean... memang takde kaitan langsung daa.. perbezaan masa antara aku kunci dia dlm bathroom ngan dia nangis sbb tangan die sakit ialah cam.. 45 minit?) Mak aku cam cuba nak salahkan aku tapi takbleh sbb aku memang takde kaitan pon ngan tangan kanan die. Aku taknak bgtau camne cite dia tapi its really like history repeats itself.


Because when I was small I broke my brother's hand accidently. I asked him, hey how was it like to break your hand. He said he thinks the syovial fluuid between his elbows busrt. (Hiperbola). He was only 6 :D

Mesti korang fikir aku seseorg yg kejam. Tapi aku nak cite gak sebab aku stress org bg aku banyak keje tapi takbleh bayar aku, cakap aku nye keje ok tapi still bg org lain soh edit kalau tak sampai tahap tu bgtau je la, aku nak kena improve je la and kena tangguh brape puluh kali dah bajet nk bg grand gle ngan org yg aku rase nak tumbuk je lukis lg trok dari lukisan aku mase aku form 3 ade hati nak cakap org len lukis burok, cam menyampah gile ada cakap nak bg aku ps3 sebab aku tolong dia ye laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu blahh laaaaaaaa~

Cakap lebat je lebih!

Sebab ni la aku malas nak layan org melayu yg aku tak kenal sgt.. Kalau diorg baca nih diorg mesti hampa ngan aku.. Tapi aku lagi hampa.


