Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tubek lo nih..

I read this in a forum..The users were just playing radio communication there..

Pilot A : ..Soekarno Approach..Malaysian 72x with u..slamat siang..passing 12300 for 5000..squawking 0123.."

Pilot B : Kota Bharu tower...selamak pete,malaysian/asian xpress/firefly xxxx....rekueh dme arc rangway wang zero..." *Kota Bahru Tower...Selamat Petang, Malaysian etc..request DME ARC Runway one zero..."

U see...theres always formality in the comm...Until a guy posted this up:

Pilot C : " kota bharu tower ambo nok belepah nih..clear runway lalu lah deh.."

Kota Bharu tower : "bereh2..."



