Monday, June 16, 2008


hello its been ages since i last wrote in this blog..saje je ak nak tulis sementare nak tggu turkey lwn czeh mlm nie..ak suke turkey sbb name captain dye cam cool EMRE aite tp senrnye ak skong spain..well back to da topic..

actually i wanna share my dream last nite,maybe some of u will feeling like wanna puke trough the middle of the story..but what da heck..its my dream my rules i can do what ever i is a free country..ok its goes like this

yesterday..i was missing someone so


i was in a car showroom.there was this one car,a convertable,two seaters,with a traction control,a chrome sets of wheels,got 7-speed transmission,n u have to install a rear wing to keep the rear tyre have a grip during turning.then i take a seat in the cockpit,looking in the engines,n its symbol,it was a KOENIGSEGG . A Swedish customade car,the one and only car that came close to beat the BUGGATI VYRON(kete plng laju dlm dunia). suddenly a familiar face the one i was missing so badly today came to the car with a pervent look.i was astonished.then i went towards her and to may dismay,she suddenly hold my right hand n donwanna let it go.i was speechless.i can fell her warmth hand(in my sleep) then she smiled to me and with my both hands i hold her heart just beep on faster and faster.(adakah hilmy telah jatuh kat sorng pmpn nie wawa) then i asked her wether she liked the car? boy,surely she did.

then i told her "tggu skejap i ckp dgn dealer" ak pon lepas la satu tgn,then she said ''xkan nak pg jumpe dealer pon nak kene lepaskan tgn(part yg korng rase nak muntah kan kan kan)...then i smiled back n hold her tightly.

jumpe dealer."tokay bape harge kete nie"(nie pon orng cine gak yg jd tokay besar,huhu)

tokay:''its six hundreds and fifty thousand.....(a stop)....pound ( uk ni kan kat malaysia) shit tol

aku :''let me call the bank 1st''

dlm credit card ak mmg ade ckup2 makan je(shitman)

then the girl, kite name kan dye A je arr..she looks at me with her puupy eyes.ak pon cair arr.bile arr kete tu utk dye

aku:"ill take the car"

then A and me walks into a lobby.suddennly all the 516 siblings ade dlm hotel tu (asal ade korng lak dlm mimpi ak nie.siot je.muke yg ak prsaan aiman,bajang,khai,illa,siti) pastu korng sume ckp congrtz kat ktorng.congrts utk pe ak x taw.

afta that, we went to a balcony sitting on a couch while looking at sunset at the swiss alps.she fall asleep while her head laps on my sholder.i was over the moon.

then ak terfikir "Oh GOD all of this is to good to be true"

ak pon fikir nie sume msty mimpi.then i scratch my face and punch my self.

ak terjage "kan betul mimpi,titebe si A tu dtg balik depan ak slowly with her smile".

mase dye da nak sampai dah katak then ak rase ade orng haogah2 badan ak,rupe2nye mak ak kejut soh pg beli roti canai...hahah..kacu daun tol

the girl and the car was just in my dream dreams.what a waste hahha

p/s: latar mase = in my late 20

hbungan dgn A= maybe ktorng da bertunang sbb ade cincin

bapak arr mmg rase real gile arr mase mimpi nie.n maybe mimpi plng best ..haha..fairytale story aite...haha
nie arr kete dlm mimpi tu warne puteh..haha ak dgn pmpn tu mmg high taste la
650 grant..where to find tats lot of money
so siang pas bgn tido tu..mmg asik terpikir psal pmpn tu..ak cam da naek gile pikir psal dye..nie yg bwatkan ak rase lg nak jd orng kaye nie..hahaha
sape nak jd awek ak..wawawa

