Thursday, May 21, 2009


pg nie ak bangun tdo ade playoff denver vs LALakers...kobe suck in the 1st quarter,sucker in the 2nd quarter,suckest in the 3rd quarter,but absolutely superb in the last quarter..lakers was behind most of the game but kobe managed to pull off the strings with his magical touch..scored 18 points in the last quarter to earn him the MVP of the day,beating carmelo anthony with a single points..perghhh

ok ok enuf with the sports update which only intrest abe..huhu

sal skng banyak ckap pasal jodoh??? tgk irna nye prime pic kat facebook je dah..hahaha

k k ak nak ckap psal mase depan...

emm where to start???

arr emmm...mmmm...damn...xleh pikir.......jap2....smlm ak ade tulis kat sini,pastu ak tertdo lupe nak post..huhu....

ok ok kite start dgn awan dania...hahaha..

td ak tgk ade mamat nie nak jd pilot tp mak dye xkasi(cam ak dgn zaki je) ntah camner ritu ak da dpat convince kan mak ak utk kasi restu walaupon dye cam ntah arr sampai skng pon ak xkene pnggil lagi dgn MAS,taun nie xde intake taun lepas lak,hhaha malas la cite ak da anta resume tp ntah camner blh sampai lambat(izey?) pas mak ak kasi restu(sempat lg jd co-pilot uncle ruzaimi haha) ak da dapat offer dr etihad,awal taun nie dye ade bwat interview world wide kat bandar2 besa kat dunia..ntah camner

Dear hilmy,

Thank you for your interest in the Etihad Cadet Pilot Program. Unfortunately, we have no more seats available for assessment in London , Frankfurt , Singapore and Abu Dhabi.You are accepted for our try out in Sydney.

Best Regards

Cadet Pilot

Recruitment Team

Etihad Airways

PO Box 35566,

Abu Dhabi,

United Arab Emirates

The National Airline of the United Arab Emirates


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Nie reply email yg ak dapat.dang stakat try out kat Sydney bwat pe..heh....taun lepas ak dapat offer bwat aeronautic engineering kat Russia under sbb reason yg tertentu ak x gi..adoi....

and ak ingtkan blh la just fly lepas hbs diploma,tpnye sbb sbb2 yg tertentu ak rase cam harapan tu mmg da musnah,msk sem dua lak mmg cam tahi giler,sampai ak langsung da xnmpak mase depan ak kat mne,ak mmg da lost giler n mmg da xtau nak bwat ape lg,ak langsung xnmpak ape yg ade kat depan ak,till one day ak cam blh pick up myself back n start bwat perancangan baru(yg lepas ade dlm slamblog)..

ak:ma, i wanna b an entrepreneur..

sis:sebut pon salah nak jd,haha

ak:diam ah bdo..

ak:i wanna own a factory,not workin innit

sis:time2 tgh recession la ko beraangan nak jd entrepreneur ni...ko blaja je arr

ma:what do u wanna do??

ak:I dunwanna b an engineer for the rest of my useless life, especially mechanical, not that im not capable of doing it,just , I dunwanna do sumthing that I hate,something that is the same every single day…g keje tgk mesin,bwat mesin,bwat bnde yg same je sampai da beranak cucu..thats what I call pathetic…

ma:(bwat bodo)

ak: but if I luckily to b accepted for the cadet pilot program,xde salahnye

ma:just now u said u dunwanna do sumthing dats da same every day,da pilot nie lg la

ak:ni laen,this is sumthing dat I like to do

ma:why do u wanna b a pilot when u can own an airline,td cakp,dunwanna work inna factory,u wanna own one,doesn’t that make u da same with the ppl workin innit,izent that what u called PATHETIC(sambil tarik muke xleh bla,huhu)…

ak:jd politician blh??

Ma:(serta merta)no way,politics is the dirtiest job especially when u live inna place call MALAYSIA

Yooo,shes kinda mad so beta stop now..

damn la weh,susah tol argue ngan parents,ak rase mak ak ptt jd lawyer.huhu…but the truh is, ak mmg xleh nak byangkan ak jd engineer..ntah,gambaran tu xnmpak lg,…ak rase ak akan jd bende laen kot,maybe sumthing related dgn engineering…

n cakap pasal jodo…hahaha..ak pnah terbace kat mne ntah,xtaw arr hadis daif ke bunyi die lbh krang camnie la

“lebih baik bagi perempuan untuk memilih lelaki yg mencintainya dari memilih lelaki yg dia cintai”

hurain: ok lg baik pmpn nie ambik laki yg yg saying dye sbbnye sah2 la laki yg sayang dye tu akan jage pmpn tu elok2..klu pmpn tu pilih laki2 yg dye suke mungkin lh jd laki tu kebarangkalian akan menyakiti pmpn tu or dye cari pmpn aen bila dye da bosan dgn korng sbb dye xlah sayng korang sgt…lbh kurang gini la yg ak phm..

but the thing is,jodoh kat tgn Allah,so just pray

if she is the right person for me,tolanglah bukakan hatinya utk menerima aku seadanya..AMIN

uncle Elmy-(haha name baru dr czen ak nye anak utk ak,its kinda cute when she pronounce it,huhu)

