Monday, December 31, 2007


Thanks to our Zaki for taking time to post something in this blog~
thanks again....
And he makes the fifth person to post something in here...

well, I've got nothing much to say,
but this blog is getting livelier these days...and it's all up to you guys to make it shine!
(bloody cheesy lines...)

anyway, I've checked out one of the newest games in stores right now in I've stumbled upon this one peculiar game....I'm not a fan of the series ( I even detest the previous releases), but this one got my attention!

I know that it's labeled PS3 but they also released it in the Ps2 console!
Really cool stuff especially if you're a big fan of the motorsport scene,
You'll be playing as Ryan Coupper a new driver trying to get into the Battle Machine street racing scene, and the first day he's already got the attention fo the Showdown king himself, Ryo Watanabe...
The best part though, is the the drag races~ it's as real as it can get, you'll have to heat up your tires to get the best traction before the races to get the perfect launch and then you'll have to time your gear shifts so that your car won't bog down and effect your time....

This game allow you to fully customize our cars ( but not as detailed as the GT series though)
and you can earn free cars by winning races and ultimately dominate the whole racing week...
This is one game for every car enthusiast need to take their eyes on!
Seriously, this is one of the most engaging racing games I've played~
got too much fun from this game can't stop playing it~ and you'll wish that you have one of those cars....Take note that all the paint job of the cars is really, really cool!

Here, I've put up a trailer for you guys to see it for yourself!
(Helmi, beli game nih!!!!!!syok gile~!!!)


