Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Fun stuff from dA:D

EvilCheeseMan: you know you've been married for too long when you and your husband argue about whether or not stinky farts are a sign of good health


CoRayBee: I had a lovely little old lady call in to work one day regarding her biopsy results....
CoRayBee: ...only she asked for her 'autopsy' results.
CoRayBee: I explaiened to her that we probably wouldn't have those for a long time.
LawrenceDeDark: haha
LawrenceDeDark: you should have said... I can get those but I'll have to kill you first


xexa: Hello Hinatashuby. How can we help?
Hinatashuby: i think im crazy
xexa: Why's that?
Hinatashuby: when i was two years old my door opened and kermit the frog and an undead spirit came in my door the undead spirit came to my crib and rubbed my head i screamed for mom she came in in a rush when the spirit vanished eleven years later i figured out it was my great great grandmother


Comrade-Kelly: I love Julie Andrews too.
Comrade-Kelly: Although, Sound of Music bores me now. I've seen it way too many times.
Comrade-Kelly: Hell, when I was five, I thought I was Maria.
Comrade-Kelly: But, when I was five, I also thought I was a power ranger..
Comrade-Kelly: The Hills were alive with the sound of--GO GO POWAHRANGERRSSS


