Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You gaizzzz!!


Ezza, you're not the only one. Everytime, I online or get on a comp, site ni mesti I buka punya, even though chances are for an update macam low gila.

Maybe sebab orang lain ada blog sendiri, jadi nak kena jaga dua blog macam kena buat dua kerja. Karang I je yang update pasal hidup I, orang kata ni dah jadi diari I pula XD but anyway, kalau you dah kata update pasal pape je, then I takde hal, and will go on ahead.

Kalau you tanya I hidup kat sini best ke tak, I honestly tatau nak cakap apa.

Sejuk nak mampus, barang semua tax tinggi gila, makanan mahal melampau, apa yang syok?
Dahla sejuk nak mampus, and then landlady tak bagi turn up the heat sebab nanti dia kena bayar bil eletrik lebih sikit (I bayar sewa, takyah banyar bil letrik, air atau gas. Tapi I takde line TV), padahal I kat sini dah sampai kejang kaki and tanak gi toilet malam-malam sebab air sejuk tahap ketul ais. It's winter, whaddya expect D= ?

Tapi takdelah merana sangat hidup sampai malam - malam kerja dok nangis je nak balik Bangi makan tosai kedai mamak kat Jalan 4.

At least sebab I kena hidup kat sini, I belajar camne nak urus rumah and duit sendiri. Belajar compare harga and cari mana tempat yang mampu nak bershopping (barang and baju I kat sini semua second hand kot). And I dapat belajar masak. Lepas ni takde dah orang nak mengata I tak reti masak. Walaupun takdelah masak tahap chef, tapi selama 6 bulan I duduk sini makan masakan sendiri, kira not bad la kan? Main tembak bubuh suka hati dapat periuk pun edible what?

And then, apa yang I find fascinating kat sini is cara kerja diorg. Memang I tell you, semangat gila diorg buat kerja. Kalau boleh nak tido je kat lab tu. Diorg kerja gila gila masa weekday, and time week end, diorg akan enjoy gila gila pulak, gi jalan sana sini, pergi party and everything. Kalau diorg schedule jadual kerja diorang tu, biar pack time weekday takpe, asal boleh elak kerja time weekend. Sebab time tu je diorg boleh guna untuk rehat. Tapi kalau kena datang weekend pun, takde pernah sekali pun I dengar diorg merungut, i mean, it's part of the job kan? So don't complain. And (I tatau lab lain camna) diorang tak kesah you datang kol 7 pagi ke, 10 pagi ke apa ke, and then suka hati nak balik awal asalkan kerja you siap. Tapi of course, sebab nak bagi good impression, datanglah awal kan? Takkan sebab orang bagi chance sikit je, tiap-tiap hari nak datang lambat. Teruk la kalau camtu.

Anyway, the interesting thing that happened last week was that I was able to visualize a protein by western blot that no one else had any luck with! So..... well, maybe orang lain fikir ni benda kecik je, tapi for me IT TOOK ME THREE DAYS TO PROCESS EVERYTHING TO GET IT TO SHOW UP! hahaha. Now you know. And I used 4 times less material than that was initially recommended.So, yeah, I was happy for that moment though I doubt anyone else understands this achievement, I'm still happy =D

Oh, and satu soalan yang I slalu dapat is that "Eeeeee, best gilerr Kai dapat gi US! Mesti best kan? Jalan-jalan tak kat situ?"


What? You think I came to the US just to go sightseeing? Membazir duit rakyat taking a cruise ship at New York? What do you think I am? Bukannya nak tanya kerja camne, hidup camne, makanan halal senang tak nak jumpa, senang tak nak solat ke apa, tapi the first thing dia tanya is pergi jalan-jalan tak?


I mean, If that's the first question that popped up in your mind, then I think thats what your mind is really thinking of in the first place right?
I mean, I'm implying that if you ever had the chance to come here to study, you wont be studying right? I mean, you'll be sightseeing rather than actually being present in the lab and working, right?

Well~~~~~~~ I'm just implying~ No hard feelings~ (But that's what I really think of you).

Hey, I'll go sightseeing, after I finish my work, alright? If I want to go sightseeing, I will, and I'll tell you about it. You don't have to pester me with the same question since the day I set foot in this country. Its really starting to annoy the crap out of me. Sightseeing isn't my main priority here. OBVIOUSLY. Tak ke hampa kalau you belanja banyak gila anta orang gi belajar and bagi duit kat dia untuk sara hidup, dia guna untuk gi jalan-jalan, and then oh, tak cukup duitla, nak lagi boleh?

Pale hotak kau.
Nampak sangat money management hampeh. Dahlah before fly tu pun, orang MARA tu dah macam "kitorang belanja banyak duit untuk hantar kamu [insert kata-kata yang boleh membuatkan kamu rasa bersalah sebab dipilih untuk dihantar ke USA, "duit rakyat", "cukai mak bapak kamu", stuff like that, etc.]"

Anyway, thats all I guess. Ni pun cite panjang gak ni. Oh, hari tu I sembang ngan Syahidah on Skype hahaha, dia tak berubah kot XD Dia tak main blog -blog ni, dia main fesbuk je. Cis.

P/S menipula Adilah you takde nombo I. I pakai nombo yang sama sejak sekolah menengah lagi. Tapi sekarang I kat US, so memang takleh nak contact pun. Though I bukak skype, takde plak birthday wish dari you hahaha, but thats okay, I takdelah sesitive sampi nak teriak takde orang nak wish happy birthday.

-Kai- 13th March 2012
Thanks for viewing and reading~
Sorry for any wrong doings of mine~
And have a nice day~

