Friday, March 30, 2012

Re: Re: Orang Tua Tak Perlu Berbudi Bahasa


Looks like I touched a nerve there...


HILMY, asal tulis kat comment section?! Itupun naib baik I terperasaan ada satu comment and baca. Kalau tak sampai bila-bila I taktau you nak baju redsox.

Yeah, I've heard of them.. apa.. baseball eh? Kalau you nak baju dia, boleh je I gi survey and bagitau you berapa harga dia. Atau you cari kat interent, and tunjuk kat I mana you nak, nanti I cari. I kena kuar jalan-jalan pun, asyik terperuk dalam rumah je (ye la, miskin, an?)

Nanti you wire in eh? Heh. Don't worry, I'm not the person who asks for upah, interest or bull like that. Nanti balik Malaysia kita meet up, and I'll hand it over.

*yes, I am the visitor from Boston.


