Friday, May 21, 2010


haha, lawak ah entry bawah ni.sape tulis ah?

biasa ah tu, da ada org len x semestinya dia xleh minat org len.common kot.kadang2 dorang ni saja je bosan2, g tgk yg yg tgh ada tu, syg gak..

ada yg becinta betahun2 pon last2 kawen ngan org len gak.

You gotta take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had. Then, you can smile on the most bullshit thing that might makes you cry

bak kata pepatah "love is only a feeling"

tapi, love is all about commitment.kalau xnk komitmen.nk main2 je, pk sniri ah..

so when you love, love like you've never been hurt.enjoy the feeling.doakan kebahagiaan org yg ko sayang sementara ko ada perasaan korang xkn rugi apa pon.

orang kawen pon leh cerai, maybe the best comes after that, dia pnya second marriage..
so conclusion nye, the first has not always be the best... first love ke, first result exm ke, first first first..and the current pon sama.. xde yg yg komfem, kita xkn tahu :) so just try.try!!

the regret from not doing something at all is way more painful than a failure


jiwang.aku memang jiwang
ada masalah ke?
lalalla~ :P

