Monday, November 28, 2011

if only and only if.

kalau ada one particular thing to change.

honestly, I can't choose. as a human, ordinary one, everytime i faced difficulties, tu la yg aq fikir.
  • Bile ssh kena pnjt bukit naek fakulti + lif rosak + menapak ke tingkat 14, aq pk, 'If only my family is richer, xperlu g Uitm, g je Sunway or at best, London School of Business and Finance.'
  • When my two lil brothers tu naek tanduk die, aq pk, 'what if my late lil sister still alive?'
but at the end, it come into one conclusion, we can't change things without changing its future.
Lau aq xg uitm, aq xjmpe org2 yg awesome, g kumpul pengalaman2 yg awesome. and etc. altho i realised, lau g tmpt laen, kite jmpe org2 laen and g tmpt2 laen.
Lau aq ubah the passing of my lil sis, i'll never have that two little brothers. not even one.

I totally believe in 'every cloud have its silver lining'. and aq rse, sume org shud believe so. for me, it makes life easier, less stressful and well, u'd be more grateful.

anyway, result spm is one of the last thing i want to change. cuz, if result spm tu better, i might choose a different path. altho accounting and finance is not my choice, recently, i view it differently and i have pride with my course and my future career.

one wish.

Simple. I wish life is so much easier. but, mehhh.... blum msuk working life lg da pk cmtu.
My current wish -> doa : everything goes accordingly.


my study progress is damn slow~
goodluck peeps. and goodnight.

