Huhohoh...Helmi dh start promote citer die...Eza,post la citer kau lak..Lwn citer helmi...
Anyway helmi,PPL stands for "Private Pilot License"..Sori sbb aku yg jwb,bkn aina...Tp dgn lesen tu kau blh bwk kapal terbang kecik je..bkn mcm commercial pilot yg blh bwk ratus2 or beribu2 penumpang....Untuk commercial license,nama dia CPL (Commercial Pilot License)..
Nak apply CPL kat malaysia ni mcm biaselah apply dgn Mas...(Airasia ade buat collaboration dgn satu airline company drp Canada nk bukak flying school n nk train 5000 cadet pilot,this is a very good chance klu nk try)..Training programme dgn Mas namenye "Commercial Pilot License and 'Frozen' (ATPL)..
Antara syrt2 utk apply ATPL dgn Mas:
-Rakyat M'sia, age 18-26 as at date of application.(Aku x lepas lg).
-Pass SPM with six credits including BM and a minimum of B4 in Maths,Physics and English taken at one sitting.
-Good command of BM and BI both written and spoken.
-Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visuality acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid,correctable to 6/6) and not colour blind.
-Minimum height of 163 cm.
-Prepared to sign training bond.
Lps tu akan ade bbrp test antaranye psychomotor test,skill test,interview,med.check-up n final selection...
Habis sume training (15-19 months,depends),successfull candidates akan sign 15 years contract dgn Mas sbb kena bayar balik kos training tu secara potong gaji..
Aku sememangnye nk masuk training tu..mslhnye umur x cukup n parents aku x bg...Diorg kate nanti aku xde life sbb jadual keje aku lain dgn org yg keje kat ofis...Skrg ni aku nk ambk aeronautical engineering dulu...Ble dh grad umur aku baru lbh krg 22 thn...So,sempat lg...Nanti aku pujuk la parents aku...Kalau diorg x bg,aku ambk PPL je la...Tp mahal kalau bayar sendiri (lbh krg RM 170,000 )..itupun belajar kat Batu Berendam,bkn oversea...
Ok, chiow dulu..
- - zaki - -
25th July 2023
1 year ago
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