Friday, July 19, 2013 3 comments

deleted post.: usrah

Assalammualaikum w.b.t...

ni aku nk tlis smula pasal post yg ak delete dlu...
pasal usrah.

point aku ckp aritu ialah aku pelik nape org yg slalu g usrah ni la yg slalu wat msalah.

BUKAN semua.sila bce elok2,bkn sume yg mcm keBANYAKan n kt tmpat aku.

sbg contoh,kt tmpat aku ni,kitorg mostly kne wat pape dlm grup.n if ad org yg wat tak dtg,tak antar homewrk sbgnya,satu grup kne marah.

n grup aku slalu kne mrh psal dorg2 yg g usrah ni la.

situasi pertama :

a : korg,esok kne antar homework yg mrs ... kasi eh.... lgipun dh 3 ari die kasi kje tu.knfirm die mrh klu kite x antar on time.

b, c dan d  (3 org dak yg g usrah ) : ala..rsenye xsmpat nk siapkan la.sbb mlm ni ad usrah.pastu esok pg ad jnji nga  sister2 lain nk kmpul xdpt antar hw tu.bleh x kite antar lusa??

a : erkk......grrr....

situasi kedua : 

mr p : i want all of u to come on saturday n stay here until 5...ALL of u...if anybody is absent,then after this all of u have to come every saturday n sunday for 2 months straight.

b,c dan d : (ckp kt grup kitorg) korg..kitorg ad usrah sabtu xdtg eh sabtu ni..

a : tp kn die ckp kne sume dtg.cmne?ala.....skali ni je.plis la dtg.pasni kn bleh g usrah lg.plis..

(ari sabtu b,c dan d msej n ckap xdtg.sori sgt2 ............THEN,kitorg pun sume kne dtg stiap sabtu n ahad slame 2 bulan disebabkan dorg)

klu aku nk citerkan sume situasi..bnyak sgt sbnrnye/n mmbuatkan aku rse ''ape tah dorg ni wat time usrah.asyik usrah prngai tah pape tah.''

mcm tu la...then aku pnh skali kne tgur nga satu sister ni..

aku : assalammualaikum kak.akak 4th year ke?

akak 5th year : 4th year?akak ni nmpak muda ke?

aku : oh 5th xknal snior sgt.

akak tu smbil lewa berkata : nmpak sgt la adik ni jrg g surau n usrah...akak slalu dduk bce Al Quran kt surau.

aku : erk.....(dlm hati : hm,ni ke sister yg korg nk jmpe sgt n digembar-gemburkan ni?prngai tah pape siap perli2 org xg surau lak sbb xknal die)

n aku tringin gak nk join usrah sme2 n blaja bnde,msalahnya org yg wat usrah ni prngai tah pape.n aku tau prngai die cmne..susah sgguh ak nk ikut ap yg dorg katekan klu dorg pun xpraktikkan bnde yg dorg ckap tu.

tu je.n aku xkcp semua org yg g usrah prngai ak describe dak2 kt tmpat aku sbb dorg taksub sgguh nga usrah ni smpai kdg2 prbuatan dorg wat org rse 'panas' je.

klu ad sape2 nk bg cdgn or pndangan lain,ak ok je.dun wori..

n korg..pham elok2 eh..aku xsalahkan konsep usrah tu.
aku tau usrah bgus..cume pelik knape org yg praktikkan nye xbgus.

p/s : aku delete post ak dlu sbb pas aku post je,rmai lak blogger lain g ckap ''mne ad,kwn2 sy g usrah ok je..awk yg xsuke usrah kot.''    aku cube brfikir positif..barangkali die agk buta huruf kerana aku dh ckp dh ni ak describe kt tmpat aku..bkn satu dunia. n biasa kite mudah melatah tak tentu hala. =___=''

Sunday, February 17, 2013 0 comments


for the last 3 days, 3 people i knew passed away. and i buried one of them.
i think that is the way Allah remains me that we have expiry date.

i hardly known the man i buried, but he was in coma for 2 weeks before the end of the line. it was raining heavily during the funeral, and i have to step on his coffin to compress the soil. cant stop thinking of the thought of what he feels like when a man full with sins like me was above him in that state. i felt sorry for him and i too...terrified to even try, trying imagining it.

so now, time to review back our purpose in life, start making our short term and long term goal to jannah.
frankly, one of my goal was to live everyday as it is your last without the fear of dying as you consistently seeking Allah's grace. at this rate, i'm no where near to even trying.

اِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي ِﷲِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

‘My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.


on our lips 5 times a day but failed to penetrate our heart.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 2 comments

keeping it alive.

owh da berjaya login..
just to keep this blog aliveee.

after 10 months of working, and a year of break. (work + break = 2012),
i am back to schoooool. ie, uitm shah alam. untuk melanaskan tugas aq sebagai filial daughter la.
tugas sebagai student tu kureng sikit. plus, keje da stat boriiing.
asek carik salah org....bertekak ngn org...kire duet org...

i decided, thats it. to shah alam off i go..
sempatla jugak aq berpeleseran ngn shin, aina, edot (bdk klas 12, if u r wondering)
final year if Allah permits. its going to be tough, i know.

so, everyone, life is tough. its tougher afterwards.
but have strength, have faith and etc.

selamat bercuti utk sume.
for those yg at the other part of the globe, have a nice winter break.
its summer at aussie rite? have a nice summer break.
for those yg klas bru stat seperti aq, have a nice


p/s : perkataan yg di italic kan adalah perkataan yg aq x berapa sure penggunaan aq btul ke x. 
Monday, December 24, 2012 0 comments

Deleted post?

Hai! Rndu owh xde orang update blog ni.

 Last few days aku rasa ada orang update and tajuk tu quite interesting. Too bad bila aku bukak anddd it was gone! Why!? Mohon orang yg berkenaan update balik.. Hehe, sharing is caring meh!

Thursday, November 8, 2012 1 comments



Dah msuk tahun ke 4.

mkin lame,mkin hilang minat.  malas.

knape ambil bidang ni mse awal2? ( bnde yg slalu dipikirkan)  * sbnarnrye jeles tgk org dh abis studi,kje n khwin *

xpe2.abiskan je. then buat je ap yg ptut. 

haha.slalu kalau org tnye ''kalau xminat,nape amik bdang ni?'' 

jawapan dri mulut '' bkn  tak minat la.minat tu ade.tapi dh mkin nga cri minat balik la ''

jawapan dri hati '' ... -__________- malas malas malas malas.

skang bukan mnyesal ke ape.cuma rasa penat. 

nk kena cri balik kerajinan tu.

nk tidur sminggu xbgun2 leh? refresh otak n clearkan sume bnde2 yg xpnting.

n install sume ilmu2 yg bljar selama 4 thun.

klu time studi,slalu ckap ''klu otak kite leh msukkan pendrive or memory card kn best.xyah nk hafal tiap kli exam'' hahaha. kwan balas ''otak kite la ciptaan /komputer pling bgus.cume kne pndai jage la bru tajam akal fikiran tu ''

bijak2 kawan ak sume ni.huhu.

ok kawan2 classmateku, jangan jadi malas2 cam aku eh.hehe.

mkin ari,ak mkin malas.hoho. 

ni lagu ni pun nyanyi malas cm ak gak.haha. enjoy..

skian...  ZZzzzz..

Saturday, August 25, 2012 1 comments

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!


Walaupun dah lambat berapa hari dah, tapi saya tetap nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf zahir dan batin~~

Btw, Hilmy, I ada jumpa t-shit RedSox, bukan jersey. Murah jer, so I beli satu untuk you, kalau still ada stok la.

Bayar balik k?

-Thanks and wassalam
Friday, July 20, 2012 2 comments
esok kitorang kat sini dah puasa!

semoga Ramadhan ni lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya.. insyaAllah


Monday, July 9, 2012 0 comments



Pagi tadi landlady I crashed my house so early in the morning. Well, early like, I was still sleeping la, 7 pagi.

Pastu dia mula bising-bising sebab saya bagi kucing liar makan dan masuk rumah. Lepas tu dia kata something like 'kucing boleh kasi hepatitis kat kamu, tahu tak?'


Pergh, mak cik ni, pagi-pagi dah nak takut-takutkan orang. Kot ye pun nak takutkan I, agak-agak ah. Sekurang-kurangnya kasi la fakta tepat, macam toxoplasmosis ke apa ke.

Dia selalu ingat I ni budak sekolah.

9hb Julai 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012 3 comments


Ok, main-main je.

Thanks for viewing~
Have a nice day~

-Kai - 1st June 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012 2 comments

Healthy living diet and Re:Thesis


So, supervisor I hari ni tiba-tiba bagi reading assignment, dan sekarang I dah sangat bosan. Tapi entah macam mana, tadi tiba-tiba saya terbaca sesuatu yang menarik.

Ini berita lama; publish 6 tahun lalu. Okay, kalau kamu malas nak baca, meh sini saya terangkan serba sedikit dari apa yang saya faham (I sendiri pun tak baca semua, malas punya pasal).

Katanya, kalau makan sedikit, umur dapat dipanjangkan dan hidup lebih sihat (saya tahu, jangka hayat seseorang insan sudah ditentukan, takyah nak argue dengan saya pasal point tu). Bukan itu sahaja, katanya, inilah resipi untuk awet muda, menjadikan kita lebih sukar untuk jatuh sakit, kurangkan the possibility of getting Alzheimer's, all the good healthy stuff yada yada. Banyaklah cara diorang listkan dalam artikel tu; macam fasting every other day la, calorie restrictive diet la, low carb diet la, dan sebagainya.

This thing is a relevation! A big step for mankind to extend their lives!  And you look younger even when you are entering old age!

Wow, that's just fascinating~!
But the thing is...

Bukankah Rasulallah (s.a.w.) sunatkan berpuasa Isnin Khamis?
Bukankah Rasulallah (s.a.w) nasihatkan supaya kita berhenti makan sebelum kenyang?
Bukankah Rasulallah (s.a.w) pernah kata yang semua penyakit berasal dari perut [need citation of this, I pernah terdengar someone say it, but dunno how far its true]?

Ini berita lama la... sangat-sangat lama. Lebih seribu tahun lebih lama.

Sekarang ada rasa nak puasa tak?


Ok, cerita ini takde kaitan ngan cerita kat atas, but may or may not ada kaitan ngan classmate kita yang masih tidak dikenali itu, berkenaan dengan soalan dia pasal phd masters stuff.

Sempat lagi ke saya nak bagi input? Ke, dah buat pilihan dah?

Anyway, on with this fairy tale:-
Every year kat fakulti kitorang ada Olympiad (uuu, canggihnyerrrr), which, in a simplified word, is something of a pop quiz related to our field, but done in groups rather than individually. Well, actually baru start buat benda ni time 2010, and sebab dapat sambutan hangat (hurr so nerdy hurr hurr), diorang buat lagi.

Just so you know, in the last olympiad, group I dapat first. Ye la, dalam group tu semua top 10 kot, but keep in mind yang kitorang lawan ngan seniors gak (and the senior group got second). Siapa buat group budak pandai cepat dia menang. Sangat tak aci, I know.

So, anyway, first prize untuk quiz tahun tersebut dapat stethoscope, bebeh! Last time I menang dapat ape je... tin biskut kot. Sape je yang tanak stethoscope? Even though I dah ada stethoscope kaler kelabu (kaler tak menarik supaya takde orang curi), I OK je kalau dapat stethoscope lagi satu FOC, boleh buat collection. Second prize dapat tendon hammer, third prize dapat penlight.

Nak dijadikan cerita, satu hari tendon hammer I patah. Korang bayangkan je la apa yang I buat sampai tendon hammer boleh patah; kalau I cerita mesti korang tak caya nye. So aim I masuk quiz ni sebenarnya ialah untuk dapat tendon hammer, which is second prize, but my ego and pride won't let me sit just for second prize; I want the first, I don't even care what the prize is.

So classmates I ni mulalah scout budak lain nak buat group. So ada a few group yang all girls datang approach nak ajak masuk group and opening statement diorang mesti : "Kai, dah ada group belum? Kalau belum, joinla group kitorang, tapi kitorang ni masuk saje-saje je, tak menang takpe eh?" And I'm like, tak, kita mesti memang, I want first place!

....And they all ran away.

And ada satu group ni dah confirm nak recruit I: all girls, semua top 10 punya students, tinggal nak key in nama kat dalam kertas je and we're all set. I told them what I told the other groups: kita kena menang, kita mesti dapat first place. Dahla lawan junior, kalau kalah malu siot. They said, okay, jap, i nak gi register nama. And you know what happened? Last minute tinggal lagi 2-3 jam je before the group settle and proceed to the quiz, I asked them weih sape lagi yang masuk group kita? and they said "Owwh, kitowwunk ingat yu takmaww masyuk sho kitowwunk dah ganti yu ngan budakz lain, Sowwyz~ Tak sengajewww~ (=^_^=;) Sowwy taww? "

Ladies and gentlemen; behold, humanity rears its ugly head.

Time tu I was so pissed, malas aku nak layan mendalah ni. Kalau korang takut, cakap je la awal-awal, baik I cari group lain je, and I pergi lab sambil merajuk. Sorang kawan pompuan I dapat tahu cerita I and in an attempt to cheer me up dia kata rugi weih kau tak masuk. And I'm like, ha, kau budak pandai kan? Nak group ngan aku tak? Yang lagi dua orang tu kita kutip je and soalan kau ngan aku je jawab. And she was like, no way man, aku takut doh nak kena compete open camni, takpe, aku carikan orang untuk kau.

Pastu dia pun meliar mencari orang kat 4 lab (sebab class kitorang kalau lab session akan pecah jadi 4 lab) keluar masuk cari sana sini even though lab was in session. Akhirnya, dia jumpa 3 orang yang sanggup se-group ngan I for this quiz. Tiga-tiga semua budak laki, tapi diorang takdelah top 10. Hell, at this stage, I dah tak kesah dah kau top10 ke tak, I just nak manusia yang tak dump me tanpa sebab munasabah. Maybe somewhere around top 50 (just so you know, only 1 out of 9 kids yang top 10 is a guy). And similar to the girls group, I said the same thing: Kita kena menang doh, first place, kalau kalah ngan junior malu weih.

And they said, sure thing, no prob. Mesti menang punya.

 Our group was able to go though the quiz even though kitorang terlambat nak register. Throughout the whole quiz (which was, iirc, about 3 days long because it has 3 stages) I noticed that, even though they aren't the brightest bulb, diorang confident dengan jawapan diorang. Even though sah-sah salah and I kena betulkan and explain kat diorang kenapa salah, they were confident.

Akhirnya group kitorang yang terkontang-kanting ni dapat masuk final. Everybody had split opinion on which group will win in the end. It wasn't clear cut. Some of my faculty-mates sokong group I yang haru biru ni, ada yang sokong group lain atas sebab torkontang-kantingnya group I. Of course, the guys mesti sokong group I sebab group I je yang ada guys which made it to the finals. Seingat saya, it was a one on one lawan ngan satu group all girls WHICH DITCHED ME EARLIER  SWEET REVENGE IS AT HAND. Group junior ada, tapi masa second stage/final stage diorang terkandas even though diorang yang patutnya at an advantage sebab hampir all the soalan diorang baru je belajar. Kitorang yang seniors ni terkedek-kedek nak ingat balik amende ntah bilirubin tu rasanya wujud kat spleen D=. And this was conducted in a hall chock full of students of both years yang kena paksa datang (about 350~ students), so... yeah, can you imagine the pressure?

And man, did the other group put up a fight. That particular all-girls group is reputably known to be the geeks among geeks or something like that. Boleh kata top 10 in the academic charts punya group gak ah.  They were doing good but then, budak laki group I ni pergi psycho group tu. Macam everytime group tu decide an answer (and kitorang boleh dengar answer diorang sebab kitorang duduk quite close together if compared to our distance with the audience and judges), budak laki group I akan geleng kepala, and suruh I geleng kepala gak hahahah. Berpeluh-peluh diorang jawab, and bila tengok kitorang geleng kepala, diorang tukar jawapan, padahal da betul dah. Hahaha~

Long story short, kitorang menang first place lepas pakai taktik kotor. 2 years in a row, baby! And all 4 of us got our stethoscope, even though what I needed was a hammer. But I'm happy nonetheless.

I told this story to my parents. They laughed and said, ha itulah, budak pompuan ni memang intelligent, tapi tak konfiden, nak bagi jawapan takut, nak tanya soalan segan, ragu-ragu etc. etc. (I'm not being sexist here, but that's what we observe). Well, the moral of the story is: be confident with yourself. If you know that you can do it, just give it a go. If you're confident that you can't do it for whatever reason, then don't attempt it.

P/S: tendon hammer tu patah sebab jatuh from my locker.

11th May 2012